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Matt Monaco - Hands-On Workshop

The Workshop was held at Rick Stone's Shop on Sunday April 26th

Sharpening lesson

Grinding the skew chisel to a "SOFT SWEEP PROFILE"

Steps to grind "Soft Sweep Profile"

  1. Adjust the grinder platform to create a 20 - 25 degree bevel

  2. Place the skew on platform 90 degree to horizontal holding the tool against the platform

  3. Start the grind on the long point and sweep towards the short point then back. Note: Do not over rotate past perpendicular.

  4. Reverse sides and repeat. Keep grinding until there is a continuous grind from edge to bottom of grind on each side. Also take note to balance the edges so the length of grind (edge to bottom of grind) is equal on both sides. This will place the sharpened edge in the center of the tool width.

  5. For right handed turners, you will want the bur on the top side of the skew with the long point on the left. To achieve this, your last grind should be made with the point on the right of the platform.

Short clip on grinding "Soft Sweep Profile"

Turning Instruction

Roughing blank to a cylinder, cutting beads.

Learning from the Master

ADVANCED TURNING - Cutting a Ring with a skew

Cutting a ring with a skew.

Class Photo


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