The Mid South Woodturners Guild was again asked to demonstrate at Arts in the Loop April 12-14th. This is the second year we have demonstrated this event. Although we could not sell product, we were able to demonstrate, support Pens for Troops, and accept donations for this important project.

Eleven members participated in this event by setting up, turning, and helping teardown the booth.
The weather was ideal, and it was a great time turning, socializing, and getting to know new members who were able to hone their pen-turning skills.
Over 60 pens were turned supporting Pens for Troops. In addition, several tops and bottle stoppers were turned and given away. The club received some donations towards our service projects and the club earned a demonstrator fee from Art in the Loop.
These funds will be used to purchase Pen for Troop supplies, and a demonstration tent for future outdoor venues such as Oktoberfest, Pink Palace, Art in the Loop, and club Turn-ins.
One generous observer who visited out booth on Saturday returned on Sunday with a beautiful piece of bubinga that he donated to make additional blanks for Pens for Troops.

There were several observers who inquired about woodturning classes and showed interest in joining the club. We were able to share our club policy of MENTORING members and thus no paid classes were necessary.
We were asked by Art in the Loop asked to put this event on our 2025 calendar to demonstrate.
Members that participated were Ken Burnett, Sam Dawson, Mark Manning, Larry Sefton, Everett Smith, Doug Woodard, Doc Shaw, Bob Wolfe, Rick Gillespie, Joseph Voda, and Roland Lee. If we missed you, please send an email to Bob Wolfe asking to be added to the list.
Click on the photos below to see higher resolution images that can be downloaded.