As a refresher, the sharpening systems on display were:
Slow speed grinder with Norton 3X - 8 Inch Grinding Wheels and a Wolverine Tool Sharpening System.
Large belt sander/grinder (Shop Fox) used for sharpening knives, tools, and general grinding adapted for sharpening woodturning tools.
Not shown but discussed were CBN woodturning grinding wheels.
Below are the club members that led the Sharpening panel discussion.

This is the video that we watched as part of the panel discussion.
Below are some great resource links that you may want to download and save. Some of these in my opinion are a must to save and read regarding woodturning tool sharpening.
Adjustable Jig Settings for an Ellsworth grind by the West Bay Woodturners
One of the best videos on sharpening is by Glen Lucus - Mastering Woodturning Series: No. 3 Sharpening Techniques - Glenn Lucas Master Woodturner (