When: October 15, 2022, starting at 9am and ending around 12:30
Location: W.J. Freeman Park Pavilion, 2629 Bartlett Blvd, Bartlett, TN 38134
Food and Drink: This is a bring-your-own event. Better yet, bring extra and share. There will be plenty of tables. There will be electricity so you can even bring your toaster oven and cook fresh biscuits or bring an electric coffee pot. YOU WILL WANT TO BRING A COMFORTABLE CHAIR.
Turn-In: We will have two lathes for you turn something small of your choice. You will need to bring your own ideas, wood, tools, and PPE (personal protective equipment). The club's sharpening station will be there if you need help with sharpening.
OR you can use some of the club's provide baseball billet cutoffs and test your skill at making tops.
Who knows - if you make a top and bring it to the October 21, club meeting, it will win the spin off in this month's presidents challenge. The following video is a great top you may want to try and duplicate.
Burn-In: we are asking members to also bring their pyrography equipment and do a Show and Tell of their equipment and methods.
Why attend: This type of activity and Show and Tell creates a lot of smoke. Therefore, it is best to do outside. For example, Rick Cannon does much of his pyrography outside and not in his shop. Also, the plan is to let you observe and test out some of the equipment.
Suggestion: Bring an extra piece of dry wood to use as a test surface for burning. You could get sample burns from each demonstrator or reference.
Pyrography Safety Reminder: The main concerns when doing pyrography are protecting yourself from toxic fumes and sawdust, preventing burns from heat tools, and of course, being wary of the general fire hazard of putting heat to wood.

Your Help Needed: For this to be a success, we need all members that are experienced at doing pyrography to bring their equipment along with your PPE. There should be plenty of power outlets, but you will need an extension cord.
Then find a table and start doing your Show and Tell. Members then can go from table to table and learn.
WOW - just think what we will learn from each other.
If you are planning to bring your pyrography equipment, please confirm by emailing Larry Sefton using the button/link below. Also please bring an extension cord and small fan if you use one.