The meeting was an interactive demonstration by Alan Stratton. In the next few days there will be an email communication to members in good standing with a link to view a video recording of the demonstration and a second link to Alan Stratton's handout.
Following are sample photos of the Instant Gallery, President's Challenge, and Wig Strands.

Mar 11, 2023
Cost $55 (all material supplied)
Space is limited to 6.
Contact Bob Wolfe (901) 277-8622 bobwolfe75@gmail.com for more details.
To pay contact Avi Pelc 612-817-1470 avipelc@hotmail.com
Pay ASAP to ensure your spot.
Welcome to our two newest members; William (Mike) Bledsoe and Ken Burnette.
42 Members and guests were in attendance. If you are keeping track, this is the same number as our January meeting.
37 Members and guests signed the guest book. (Please sign the guest book when you attend because it is our record of who attended if we need to contact attendees).
14 Members participated in the President's Challenge (click here to see photos).
$55 in raffle tickets sold (thank you to those who brought items and wood for the raffle),
We had 6 membership renewals, 4 individual and one family (2)
As of 2/25/2023, we have 81 Paid or Lifetime Members
5 Wig Stands were donated (2 Larry Sefton, 1 Kevin Pearson, 1 Mike Yohanek, and 1 Bill Siler)