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Past Event Year 2023 - Not totally inclusive
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Event is FREE of charge, no registration required.
Opening Reception, “Gentle Awakenings: The Art of Keith Burns”
You’re invited! Bring a friend to enjoy an after-hours opening reception at the Morton Museum of Collierville History in honor of the new exhibition, Gentle Awakenings: The Art of Keith Burns.
• Thursday, January 19, 2023 (5:00-7:00pm)
• Admission and refreshments are FREE
• Open to the public, no reservation required – the more the merrier!
• 196 North Main Street, Collierville, TN 38017
• Facebook Event:
Can’t attend the opening reception? Gentle Awakenings: The Art of Keith Burns will remain on view January 17 – April 22, 2023.
The Morton Museum is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10:00am-4:00pm, and admission is always FREE!

Thursday, February 9, 2023
Skip Wilbur will be the speaker.
Lunch & Learn: Mid-South Woodturners Guild
This month’s Lunch & Learn presentation is brought to you by the Mid-South Woodturners Guild (MSWG), a local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. Bring a sack lunch to the Morton Museum to hear about the organization’s mission, enjoy a brief woodturning demonstration, and learn how to get started as a beginner wood artist. Event is FREE of charge, no registration required. Beverages and dessert provided.

Saturday, February 25, 2023
Monthly Meeting, IRD, Professional Demonstrator
Alan Stratton
Alan Stratton - IRD
N-Loop Celtic Knots
Celtic knots can be used in a variety of projects but they must be properly prepared to yield a precise knot. Learn a process wherein any number of loops can be precisely formed for turning.
This demonstration consists of a slide discussion of the principles required for a successful Celtic knot with any number of loops.
Then we will prepare a turning blank using the table saw for spindle oriented projects.
Following the table saw demonstrations, we will elevate the process to use a band saw which is required for larger diameter projects.

Saturday, March 11, 2023
Hands-On Workshop
Bob Wolfe
Workshop Candlestick with Milk Paint
This will be an all-day event.
There will be a cost to this event to cover supplies -$55
Lunch cost will be on your own.
Making candlesticks with Milk Paint finish:
This Hands-On will be composed of two parts: (1) spindle turning one or more candle stick and (2) working with milk paint for embellishing.
This Workshop is intended as an introduction to finishing a woodturning using embellishment techniques and Milk Paint. You will take a 4” diameter poplar blank and turn it into a simple shaped candlestick. This will be your pallet to test out embellishing techniques, painting, and finishing using Milk Paints. By the end of the Workshop, you will have learned some techniques using Milk Paint and completed an attractive candlestick to take with you. The first step to MASTERY is to learn.
The candlestick will be made from 2 pieces of 8/4 poplar – 4 inches wide that have been glued together with tight bond and allowed to cure ~4-8 hours.
Club will be suppling the materials, paint, and lathes.
Attendees will need to provide their own turning tools and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Saturday, March 25, 2023
Monthly Meeting, Member Demonstration
Mark Maxwell, Rick Gillespie, and Suzanne Marrero
Celtic Knot Pen & Eggs
Mark Maxwell will demonstrating a Celtic knot pen. Rick Gillespie will be making natural wood eggs and showing how to add color onto unfigured wood eggs.

Saturday, May 20, 2023
Monthly Meeting, IRD, Professional Demonstrator
Trent Bosch
Trent Bosch - IRD
Mountain Bowls In this demo I expand upon the decorative utility bowl demo and show a technique that I used to expand the possibilities of a utility piece becoming more decorative. Drawing inspiration from my environment (I live in Colorado and the mountains are very prominent) I came up with this interpretation. We go through the making of the bowl, beading the bowl, laying out and carving the mountain ranges. Also touching on wood prep, tool sharpening, finishing and a myriad of other possibilities.

Saturday, July 15, 2023
Sam Dawson and Joseph Voda
Wig Stands Turn-In
Club will be suppling wood and lathes. The plan is to make wig stands that will need to have finishing and embellishment done by other members or taken home and completed.

Saturday, September 16, 2023
Monthly Meeting, Member Demonstration
Rick Gillespie & Rick Stone
September General Meeting
Wood Turning Inside Out Christmas Ornament

Saturday, October 28, 2023
Monthly Meeting, Member Demonstration
Skip Wilbur
October General Meeting
Over the years, I've been crafting threaded acorn boxes, primarily using the Baxter Thread Master. However, my woodworking journey took an unexpected turn when I dusted off a set of threading tools by Robert Sorby that had long been forgotten in a drawer. This rediscovery happened during a moment of boredom, and it reignited my curiosity.
My aim here is to pique your interest in this traditional method of threading. To become proficient at thread chasing, you'll need two essential ingredients: practice and patience. Throughout this exploration, I'll share some time-saving tips and insights gained from my own avoidable mistakes. We'll delve into topics like selecting the right wood for thread chasing, exploring alternative methods, and considering substitute materials.
I'll guide you through honing and customizing your tools straight out of the box, as well as the art of sharpening them. Additionally, I'll introduce you to some supplementary tools that can be incredibly helpful in this process and even teach you how to create them.
Ultimately, my goal is to demystify this technique and, if time allows, complete a project together. By the end of this journey, I'm confident you’ll agree this is a fun way to entertain yourself in front of your lathe.

Saturday, November 18, 2023
Monthly Meeting, Member Demonstration
Rich Williams
Rich Williams - Ivory Cabochon with Scrimshaw
Rich Williams has been teaching scrimshaw since 1983. He enjoys combining media, such as scrimshaw, wood, and silver into a final piece. Rich enjoys sharing his knowledge on the subject and keeping this original American art form alive. He has taught and lectured in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, California, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina, and his work has been featured in the "National Engraver's Journal" and on the podcast Folk Craft Revival.

Sunday, November 19, 2023
Rich Williams
Scrimshaw in Woodturning
This is a unique opportunity to take a hands-on class with Rich Williams. There will not be any woodturning. This is a scrimshaw class that will teach you how to make scrimshaw that can be added to your woodturnings. This will be a follow up to the Rich Williams free club demonstration on November 18, 2023.
Rich Williams, a member of MSWG, has been teaching scrimshaw since 1983. He enjoys combining media, such as scrimshaw, wood, and silver into a final piece. Rich enjoys sharing his knowledge on the subject and keeping this original American art form alive. He has taught and lectured in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, California, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina; and his work has been featured in the "National Engraver's Journal."
Rich is also currently scheduled to teach two classes in 2024 at John C. Campbell Folk School.
Visit Rich Williams’ website: for more details and photos.
Hand-On Class Details
Cost: $75 (Payable to the MSWG Treasurer in advance of class) *
When: November 19, 2023, 10am to 4pm
Materials: Classroom materials will be provided
Maximum number of students: 8
Location: Rich Williams’s shop/studio at 8462 Lansingwood Cove, Germantown, TN
Refreshments: Donuts, water, and soft drinks will be provided
Lunch will be provided (Note: if you have a special food requirement, let us know)
*Class cost: Note that Rich Williams is NOT charging for teaching the class. All monies collected are for class supplies, refreshments, lunch, and miscellaneous expenses. Any leftover monies will go to the MSWG general fund.
*First 8 to pay get seats in the class.
Payment Contact Information: Mike Stephens, MSWG Treasurer (662) 910-0869 contact Mike for payment methods.
Each student to bring the following:
1. Optivisor-type of head magnification
2. Clean cotton rag, old t-shirt or diaper. Must be clean as you will be dabbing it to your tongue for ink removal.
3. Dish towel to fold up and rest your arm on while working
4. Three (3) x-acto type craft knife handles. You will be provided with the x-acto and scalpel blades as well as the scribe tip.

Saturday, December 16, 2023
Monthly Meeting
Christmas Brunch and Auctioneer - Skip Wilbur
2023 Annual Holiday Brunch and Auction
We have a great Holiday Party planned. The club will be providing the meats for our brunch, and we ask you to bring a side or desert to complement the turkey and ham. Will include plenty of socializing time, brunch, a Bring-A Gift - - Get-A-Gift exchange (bring a gift to participate), and auction of items collected over the past year from demonstrations, and donations from club members.

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