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Past Event Year 2021 - Not totally inclusive
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Craig Timmerman
Arched Bowl
Our artist-demonstrator this month is Craig Timmerman from Austin TX. Craig’s specialties include hollow forms, spheres and non-round turnings. Craig first began turning after taking a class at a local store in 1998. A note to our beginning/novice woodturners, we all began our journey in woodturning with little or no skills. It is the learning and practice that leads to skilled expertise. Enjoy the journey. We have asked Craig to turn an “Arched Bowl” during this demonstration. A PDF file on the steps is available on Craig’s website ( If time permits, he will also turn a sphere.

Saturday, February 27, 2021
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Larry Sefton
Cocktail Smoker
MSWG produced video

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Roberto Ferrero
Embellishing with hand tools and light duty power tools.
IRD - Hosted by Roberto Ferrero. Also rose engine carving. Roberto Ferrer demonstrated embellishing techniques using hand tools and small power tools.

Saturday, April 24, 2021
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Dennis Paullus
MSWG produced video. He will take us on a short tour of his shop and discuss wood prep, wet wood turning and how to dry the “first turned blank” prior to its final turning.

Saturday, May 1, 2021
Zoom, Bonus Demo
Skip Wilbur
Part 1 Beads of Courage Boxes
MSWG produced video. See video on YouTube on the MSWG Chanel - link is on the MSWG website.

Sunday, May 2, 2021
Bonus Demo MSWG, Zoom
Skip Wilbur
Part 2 Beads of Courage Boxes
MSWG produced video. See video on YouTube on the MSWG Chanel - link is on the MSWG website.

Thursday, June 24, 2021
Monthly Meeting
Tool Swap-Meet
Parking lot Tool Swap-Meet and Greet
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Monthly Meeting
Jonas Nemanis
Hook tool "Jonas is Hooked and Plans on Hooking You"
When you see Jonas Nemanis use the hook tool, you will most likely tell yourself . . . "I must have a set of those hook tools!"

Saturday, August 21, 2021
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Jeff Brockett
Basket Illusion
Jeff writes: "The first time I saw David Nittman’s basket illusion pieces I was blown away and thought “how does he do that?” Several years ago I had the opportunity to take a class with Harvey Meyer and learned the techniques required to create Basket Illusion turned pieces of wood art. My work is heavily influenced by Native American Indian baskets, stained glass windows and kaleidoscope patterns. My wife is my design critic and helps keep me on the straight and narrow path."

Saturday, September 18, 2021
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Rick Cannon
Texturing and Paint
Video produced by MSWG. You can see the video on YouTube Rick Cannon will show you how to transform what may appear to be a “ho hum” woodturning into something distinctive and uniquely yours. The transformation will be achieved using a variety of off-the-lathe techniques involving power carvers, power sanders, pyro carvings, pyrography, acrylic paints, and brushes. There will not be any actual woodturning - this demo is all about Rick's off-the-lathe techniques.

Friday, September 24, 2021
All day demo
Pink Palace Craft Show
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Mark Sillay
Hands on with Mark Sillay - Slice spindle cut
6 Members signed up

Saturday, October 23, 2021
Oktoberfest (all day)
Mark Sillay
Mark Sillay Demonstration

Saturday, November 27, 2021
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Glenn Lucas
Glenn Lucas - Turning a beaded bowl - from Ireland
From his Woodturning Study Centre in Co. Carlow, Ireland (Interactive Remote Demonstration (IRD). MSWG had a 5-star remote demonstration by Glenn Lucas with the able support of his wife Cornelia Lucas This demonstration was what MSWG calls a hybrid meeting with some members in person and other members joining from home on-line.

Saturday, December 18, 2021
Monthly Meeting
Christmas Brunch and Auction
Christmas Brunch and Auction
We had 32 attend the annual Christmas party. We missed many members and guests who have attended in the past because of concerns over Covid-19 and variants. MSWG truly understands and respect these concerns. The MSWG board will be considering doing more to include members virtually.
With that said the Christmas party was a success. First there was plenty of time for socializing and people catching up on the past couple years. Click on the photos to enlarge.

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