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Past Event Year 2017  - Not totally inclusive

Saturday, January 21, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Dennis Paullus
Threading for Woodturners
We received a detailed demonstration of cutting threads in turned boxes from Dennis Paullus at our January meeting. It is very cool to be able to add that additional touch to a lidded box by including a threaded top.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Monthly Meeting
David Rush
Natural Edge Bowl with Carved Feet
A bowl with carved feet.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Bob Wolfe
Irish Platter
Bob Wolfe gave us a very interesting demonstration of creating an “Irish Platter”.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Mike Maffitt
Wooden Canteens
How to create a wood canteen.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Skip Wilbur
Basic Cuts to do a finial
The creation of a beautiful finial. Then he demonstrated the use of a “birds mouth” router bit for use in creating interesting Bangles.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Monthly Meeting, Zoom
Lyle Jamieson
Live Remote Demonstration - Lyle Jamieson
This was our first attempt at live remote streaming from the home shop of our demonstrator. Lyle is an
early adopter of this new approach and did an outstanding job. Two-way communication allowed us to be actively engaged with the presentation, allowing questions, and answers real time. It was almost like standing next to him.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Larry Sefton
Carving and Embellishment
This time he walked us through the tools and techniques he uses to power carve his turned pieces. As
usual, his presentation was well organized and thorough. Starting with the small Proxon power carver then working his way up to very powerful pneumatic tools used in the stone carving industry, he showed the benefits and limitation of each tool. This was another presentation that will cost me a lot of money trying to assuage my tool envy. Also, during his presentation he used some “golden dividers” which garnered a lot of interest.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Dennis Paullus, Rick Stone, Bob Wolfe, & Mike Maffitt
John Jordan Finish, Verde Finishes, Triple EEE Polish - Making your own, & Beale Buffing System
“TENseconds Studio” Ver-Day Paint kit for simulating aged metals at last months
club demonstrations on finishing.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
All day demo
Graeme Priddle and Mellissa Engler
Graeme Priddle and Mellissa Engler
Graeme Priddle and Melissa Engler gave us a fantastic demonstration. Graeme took us through the creation of his signature “Vessels of the Pacific” pieces. Melissa then showed us some of the embellishment techniques they apply to their pieces.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
All day demo
Skip Wilbur, Jonas Nemanis, Joel Benson, & Sam Dawson
Oktoberfest - Ornaments, Long Stemmed Goblets, Threading Small Boxes, & Duck Calls
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Sam Dawson
Stabilizing Wood for Turning
Many thanks to Sam Dawson for his tutorial on “Stabilizing” and “Casting” techniques last month. It turns out that the old adage “life is too short to turn crappy wood” is not true if you are willing to apply some of the techniques, he showed us. “Stabilizing” can turn wood that is too soft or porous into a hard, turnable wood. The creative use of dies and resins bring even more options to the table that will change boring to interesting, and sometime, with the proper application of creativity, even exciting.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Monthly Meeting
Christmas Brunch and Auction
Christmas Brunch and Auction

We want to keep the MSWG website up to date at all times.  So, if you spot any errors, broken links, out of date info, or if you have any suggestions, please email our webmaster so we can fix it asap.

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