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MSWG MISSION STATEMENT for Exhibits and Permanent Collection at CBU – January 2007 - by Bill Siler


  • It is our goal to display a broad variety of turned forms, forms that reflect the many specialized techniques and skills that turners bring to the lathe. 


  • To display utilitarian items that reflect historical roots in turning useful things and that also embody the pleasing design elements that shade the functional toward the artistic. 


  • To display nonfunctional turned objects that succeed mostly on the strength of their artistry, without significant ties to any other use or function. 


  • To focus primarily on use of the lathe for design and artistic expression, although turnings that have been altered through carving, texturing, manipulation, incorporation into non turned items, etc., are eligible. 


  • To demonstrate that artistic creativity and design excellence are within the grasp of the professional and the amateur artist alike. To spread the idea that the production of art and the appreciation of art are more accessible than people might think. 


  • To remind people that wood is one of our most enduring and satisfying art media, that wood is deeply pleasing to see, touch, and hold.

Click on the images to enlarge to read text.

In 2007 the Beverly and Sam Ross Gallery-Christian Brothers University.  Beneath the Bark: The Art of MSWG, 20 members displayed 57 turned pieces, ranging from 7 year-old Ben Campbell’s ‘designer twist pen’ to Dennis Paullus’ monumental box elder natural edge bowl.

Mid South Woodturner at CBU
Mid South Woodturner at CBU

In 2013 MSWG had 34 pieces representing 12 of our members as well as 4 pieces by the late Joan Kelly on loan from her husband at the Beverly and Sam Ross Gallery-Christian Brothers University

Mid South Woodturner at CBU
Mid South Woodturner at CBU
2018 MSWG at CBU's Beverly & Sam Ross Gallery
Mid South Woodturner at CBU
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