Terrific Turning - Pens for Troops
On August 13, 2022, MSWG had a Turn-In to make pens for troops. If you were not there, you missed a great time, and we hope to see you...
Terrific Turning - Pens for Troops
Hangout or Turn - Join Us Now - We are Turning Pens for Troops
WKNO Gallery 1091 Presents Works by Mid South Woodturners Guild
Mailbox Surprise
MSWG IRD with Linda Ferber
MSWG - Photographic tips and suggestions
Linda Ferber, Interactive Remote Demonstrator at our Jul 23, 2022, Monthly Meeting
A Woodturning Internet Rabbit Hole
Wig Stand Demonstration - Completing the Paperwork
Re: MSWG Beads of Courage Program
Did MSWG make a good decision to cancel the June 18 event? YES - Read on for Heat Hazard Recognition
Segmented Woodturners 7th Segmenting Symposium Northbrook, Illinois